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Top Ten Wildlife Experiences in the World

Top Ten Wildlife Experiences in the World

There is an increasing number of wildlife viewing trips advertised to places all over the world, driving an increased interest in nature travel. For many people, viewing wildlife in their natural environment is among the most rewarding and uplifting travel experiences available.
Here is my top ten wildlife viewing travel list available to normal travelers.

1. Mountain Gorillas of Central Africa

One of the most memorable experiences in many people’s lives is spending an hour with a group of mountain gorillas, only accessible in Uganda, Rwanda and Congo.

2. Wildlife Safari in East Africa

Spending time watching the great wildlife of Africa’s rift valley is a memorable experience far more real than watching it on Discovery Channel. Some target seeing the Big Five (the elephant, buffalo, leopard, rhinoceros and lion) while others enjoy the familiar giraffes, baboons, deer, wildebeest, zebras and antelope.

3. Polar Wildlife in the Antarctic Peninsula

View the famous polar fauna of whales, seals, penguins and other bird-life (especially the soaring albatrosses) in the least accessible and emptiest of the seven continents via a comfortable cruise on an ice-breaker. Most depart from the southern tip of South America.

4. Bears and the Salmon Run in Canada and Alaska

See black and brown bears fatten up for the approaching winter sleep, gorging on spawning salmon in the cascading rivers of Canada and Alaska.

5. Galapagos Islands

View the location of Charles Darwin’s famous study into evolution in a living laboratory of volcanic islands. See the famous giant tortoises, extensive and unusual bird-life and the various other animals that have adapted to the demands of the Galapagos Islands.

6. Whale Sharks in Australia

Snorkel and watch the largest living animal on our planet cruise sedately through the warm waters of Ningaloo Reef off the west coast of Australia.

7. Polar Bears in the Arctic

Becoming endangered with our warming planet, see the antics of our largest land carnivores and their youngsters await the freezing of the sea ice off Churchill in north-eastern Canada.

8. Bengal Tigers in India

Though elusive, the elegant Bengal Tigers can be seen in a number of reserves across India. Once hunted by the maharajahs and their guests almost to extinction, they are now protected.

9. Orang-Utans of Borneo

In the east of the island of Borneo, experience the creature that many scientists consider the most intelligent of all of our wildlife.

10. Lemurs and Chameleons of Madagascar

Geologically separate as an island for so long, Madagascar provides a selection of unique and unusual animals highlighted by the variety of playful lemurs and colorful chameleons.

Viewing wildlife in their natural habitat is one of the great privileges of travel. Enjoy and learn about these majestic animals and birds in some of the most beautiful locations in the world.